Bubble Shooter: Game Toolkit

Bubble Shooter: Game Toolkit sellunitysourcecode

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?UNIQUE FEATURES - that you will find ONLY in THIS ASSET: ----------------------------------------------------------- ? 2 types of gameplay (Classic and Circle levels) ? Largest number of features ? Timed Levels - create levels based on the number of moves or on time ? Ground holes and bouncing beetles enable/disable ? Asynchronous Gameplay / NO DELAY on throws - players can play as fast or as slow as they want ? Mini Game + Settings Editor ? Daily Rewards + Settings Editor ? Visual tutorials + Tutorial Editor ? Pop-up texts ? Animated loading ? Ads mediation with placement ID separation ? Time server anti-cheat protection GENERAL FEATURES: --------------------- ? 99 Ready-made Levels ? User-friendly Level Editor ? Various blocks,obstacles, collectable items and boosters ? Easy for the Re-skin ? Optimazed mobile devices ? Mobile, WebGL, and desktop compatible ? Ads mediation (LevelPlay/ Ironsource), Unity ads, Admob ? In-app purchases ? Visual and Sound effects ? Animated map ? Animated game character ? Coins Shop + Currency Setting Editor ? Many colorful and animated popups ? Detailed documentation ? Professional, complete, and well-documented C# source code

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